Veras Academy leads the way with new Safeguarding Code

Safeguarding Officer

Klare Walsh

Safeguarding Officer [email protected]

Veras Academy LDN with clubs in Islington and Hackney, is leading the change in sports safeguarding, having successfully attained the Safeguarding Code ”mark” in Martial Arts.

Achieving the Safeguarding Code, demonstrates VERAS ACADEMY LDN’s commitment to upholding its duty-of-care to the community and young people and recognises all affiliated clubs as a martial arts provider that has reached and effectively maintained good safeguarding standards.

The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts has been created so that parents and carers can clearly identify a martial arts provider that has demonstrated that they have reached and maintained good safeguarding standards and can make informed decisions when selecting a club for their child.

Sue Harrison, Stakeholder Marketing at the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts said:

“We are delighted to see that so many clubs, including VERAS ACADEMY LDN, have successfully attained the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts.

“When making choices about martial arts schools, parents and carers can easily determine, and be reassured that clubs in their local area are committed to safeguarding and upholding safe practices for their children if they display the Safeguarding Code ‘mark’.”


Raphael Veras, Founder and Head Coach at Veras Academy LDN said:

“It is with pride that I am able to say that Veras Academy have been awarded the multi club Safeguarding Code Award. This demonstrates the hard work and dedication that our association and it’s affiliated clubs put into teaching karate and providing a safe environment for all who are part of our karate family” 

Developed in consultation with Sport England, representatives from martial arts governing bodies, and leading safeguarding experts, the Code is funded by the National Lottery and was launched by the Sports Minister in 2018. To date, over 150 clubs have now attained the Code.

Martial Arts clubs can upload their registration via an online portal:

For more information about the Safeguarding Code, contact [email protected]

Safeguarding Code:

The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts recognises clubs and providers in England who have demonstrated that they have reached and maintained good safeguarding standards.  Governing bodies, associations, organisations, franchisers and activity deliverers can work towards attaining recognition along with clubs and individual instructors, coaches and teachers outside of a club structure. 

The scheme empowers parents/carers and educational establishments to make informed decisions when selecting a club or provider for their child/children, young people or adults in their care.

The Safeguarding Code has been developed through close consultation between Sport England, representatives from martial arts governing bodies and those with years of expertise in safeguarding. Support was also provided by the Child Protection in Sport Unit, the Ann Craft Trust and NWG Network.

It is funded by the National Lottery and was launched by the Sports Minister in early 2018. 
